Why Delta State Govt Must Shun Policies of Victimization To Promote Inclusiveness In Governance

By Emeka Nwokocha

Truly, and deeply in my heart, l love Delta State. I am a staunch proponent of a better Delta State and hoping that, in the coming years, the state would be the envy of other states in Nigeria, as she takes pride in her sprawling modern infrastructure, unprecedented economic growth, top-notch technological advancement and improved living standard of her citizens and residents of the state.

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But, I must be fair and firm this time to say that many things are seriously going wrong in the state, most especially, since the rebirth of our democracy in 1999.

Regrettably, these plenty wrongs are rarely talked about, and they are getting worse by the day and stalling the progress of the state.

Commendably, Delta State is prided as one of the most educated states in Nigeria, a laudable feat indeed, meaning that by default high level of civilization ought to be seen, felt and reflected in the governance process of the state, especially in the areas of implementation of policies, execution of projects and other operations of the government.

Painfully, the governance system of the state is overtly laced with vexing policies of victimization that have since become a cherished standard in the administration of the affairs of the state.

Amidst governor Oborevwori’s strides to etch his legacy in good governance of the state, it is hurting to see skewed policies being implemented by Delta State Government, apparently to hurt a section of her citizens and deny them dividend of democracy, simply because they belong to opposition parties.

Regrettably, this humiliating kind of policies are vigorously being pursued by the government of the day and its lieutenants to firmly ensure that persons, communities and towns branded as support base of the opposition parties are severely relegated and punished as best as possible, at least, to teach them a bitter lesson for pitching tents with the opposition parties.

This animosity, no doubts, has done too much harm to the psyche of the community of Deltans who constantly endure these phases of condemnable humiliation being meted out to them by their government for no justifiable reason.

There is no gainsaying the fact that collective efforts of the citizens matched with sincere policies from the government of the day are the essential fundamental resources needed to drive a progressive Delta State.

Surprisingly, as the government of Delta State strives to scale up socioeconomic development of the state, one wonders why this obnoxious policy of victimization should not be totally abolished and thrown into dark abyss, to allow “fresh air” of unity and love envelope the entire state and foster progress.

Recall that while in desperate desire for a progressive state, good spirited Deltans have longed for a change of attitude among the privileged few that run the affairs of the state, knowing that no state under the sun would develop and meet the needs of her citizens if hatred, rancour, anger, victimization, and marginalization are elevated and adopted as the standard of governance.

It is pertinent to say that the reasons the governments of Delta State had not done much in the development of the state and meeting the basic needs of her citizens may not be unconnected with the governments’ inclination to punitive policies as a substance of governance, apparently to deny persons affiliated to opposition parties the dividend of democracy.

Research has shown that human knowledge and understanding would always fail man if the directives of God are not followed through.

To put it differently, if man wholly relies on his knowledge and understanding to run the affairs of men, rather than listening to God and following His counsel, he is sure to make devastating mistakes that will forever hurt him and the people he leads.

In a nutshell, Delta State has over the decades been governed by the knowledge and wisdom of men, not much attention had been given to the counsel from God.

Small wonder, the governments would have to contend with plethora of socioeconomic and infrastructural challenges, including lack of basic amenities for the citizens after over 33 years of the creation of the state (August 1991- Date).

This piece is a clarion call to the government of Delta State to shun any policies intended to undermine the interests of Deltans who are affiliated to opposition parties because it violates the tenets of democracy.

Most importantly, the government must ensure that the control of the state’s economy and distribution of dividend of democracy, in terms of allocation of resources, appointments, employments, contracts, projects, and other opportunities are done in such manner as to secure the maximum welfare, freedom and happiness of every Deltan on the basis of social justice and equality of status and opportunity, as enshrined in section 16 (1b) of 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

Suffice it to reiterate that the essence of a democratic government is to harness the material resources of the state and distribute it as best as possible to serve the common good. No section or class, or group should be marginalized at all.

Nature has a way of compensating those that sincerely promote a genuine cause that seeks to improve the wellbeing of the citizens in order to give them a sense of belonging.

A look around the world would confirm the fact that most developed countries unfailingly prioritize the needs of their citizens with utmost sincerity and love for all, as they ensure no one is left behind.

These countries don’t promote antagonistic and divisive policies to hurt a section of their citizens because it would hinder genuine development of their country and make blessings from God stay far off.

In summary, I urge those charting the course of political and socioeconomic development of Delta State to be promoters of unfettered unity among the citizens.

They must be the drivers of unprecedented development that will improve the wellbeing of the citizens.

Anything short of that must be jettisoned and consigned to the dustbin.

Delta State will be much better when sentiment that elevate acrimony and PHD – pull him down, are discarded in its entirety.

The government of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori will surely earn the applaud of the good people of Delta State if it pursues policies that would hem the unity of the citizens and prioritize the good of all, irrespective of tribe, political leaning, educational background, religious affiliation, and social class.

I passionately pray for Delta State and look forward to celebrating her success in the coming years.

Let’s make love and social justice the cornerstone of state’s affairs